sparks and accelerant

A ops/release guy living in San Jose, California. I work for Adobe.

The Euler Challenge

I’m late to the party, depending on your circle. I just discovered Project Euler and took a stab at the first couple problems. Not bad!

There was some serendipty with the timing, as it’s January and there were 366 problems at the time. Hmmm…

So my Euler Challenge is to complete 366 problems by 12/31/2012, using the following rules:

  1. All problems must be solved using python
  2. No custom libraries that cheap these to one-line exercises.
  3. Ugly is ok, slow isn’t– find a sol’n in under 5 minutes.
  4. Search for python tips/support, not for formulas– at least until you have a solution.
  5. Post all solutions to github for feedback.

11 down, which means I’m only 4 days behind. Gotta catch’em all…

Free Stanford Classes

Interested in taking CS101 at Stanford? The university is offering that course (and 13 others) online for free. The list seems to have expanded recently, so this may be a partial listing. The footer of each class page has a complete listing.

Classes start in January 2012. There’s a couple with supplimentary textbooks, but most are entirely free online materials. I’m limiting myself to two, not an easy task. Let’s hope this trend continues.


Lean Launchpad

Technology Entrepreneurship

Civil Engineering

Making Green Buildings

Electrical Engineering

Information Theory

Computer Science

CS 101

Machine Learning

Software as a Service

Human-Computer Interaction

Natural Language Processing

Game Theory

Probabilistic Graphical Models


Design and Analysis of Algorithms 1


Gotta love the web. A reasonably common sense HBR article about constructive criticism gets outshined by the first commenter.

Hello World

First post.

Let’s jump around again, this time from AWS to Github. Jekyll’s command line nature feels better than a wordpress managed blog.